

We taste test and analyze labels for ingredients and nutrition information. Here are our honest opinions.

Beyond Meat Beyond Burger

Gardein Meatless 7 Grain Crispy Tenders

Stonefire Roasted Garlic Naan

V8 Berry Bliss lower sugar

Beyond Meat Beyond Burger


  • Plant-based product
  • Excellent source of protein – 20 grams per serving
  • Calories and saturated fat tend to be less in these burgers compared to beef patties
  • Excellent source of iron – 20% DV, similar to ground beef
  • No soy or gluten, GMO-free, and Kosher
  • May help meat-lovers lessen their consumption of red meat, which may be more environmentally friendly
  • No cows were harmed in the making of this product that we know of.


  • High in sodium (15% DV)! This is almost four times as much as what is naturally in a beef burger (although prep can dramatically change salt content).
  • 25% of the daily value of saturated fat. Although this is similar to beef burgers, plant-based foods should be a healthier alternative.
  • Before cooking, the product smells like beets and is sticky. However, cooking does improve these qualities.
  • The cooked texture is more like a sausage than a hamburger, but it isn’t terrible. We tried grilling, pan-frying, and even the 4 minute-per-side cooking advice and still did not quite achieve a beef patty texture.
  • Packaging! Jeez, can they be a little more environmentally friendly?! The HUGE plastic bin is not only a space hog but has no other use than to sit in a landfill for hundreds of years.


Many other plant-based burgers have better nutrition, are cheaper, and have WAY less packaging.

However, Beyond Burger is another alternative to animal-based patties, which may encourage people to explore other plant-based foods.

The flavor is good, but the texture could use some improvement. Overall, we would recommend trying it.

Gardein Meatless 7 Grain Crispy Tenders


  • Grain-based coating has a good texture but could use some spice (dipping sauce was needed)
  • Flavor is pleasant and not far from chicken tenders
  • Low in saturated fat and cholesterol
  • High in protein
  • Slightly greasy, but not as much as chicken tenders/nuggets
  • No chickens were harmed
  • Vegan-friendly, dairy-free, and Kosher


  • Inside texture is a little dense
  • Thin pieces. May be better if it were more rounded in shape
  • High in salt. Two pieces have 10% DV, a lot for such a small portion.
  • Nutrition label uses a serving size of 2 tenders. Unless you are a small child, you’re unlikely to eat just 2, and you’d likely be ingesting more saturated and fat and added sugar than what the label provides (has added sugar in the ingredients).


These are a good alternative to chicken tenders that typically have more fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.

The crust is excellent, but the inside texture could use just a little more modification. Maybe a different shape or adding a different texture to break up the density would improve these.

The overall flavor was pleasant and mild, not chicken but not veggie-tasting either. However, with a large amount of salt, we suggest limiting these to a very small or occasional snack.

Overall, we would recommend trying these, but limit your portions. We love having more vegan options and will definitely try other products from this company.

Stonefire Roasted Garlic Naan


  • Delicious and fluffy
  • Light garlic-y taste
  • Bendable and stays together when warmed
  • Has (added) fiber – 3g 11%DV
  • Contains 12g of protein in 1 naan
  • Flour is enriched with vitamins and minerals (required of many products), so it is a good source of iron


  • Salt bomb! Yikes, 1 naan has 950mg of sodium (41% DV)
  • High in fat and saturated fat (10-12% DV)
  • 380 calories in 1 naan (definitely cut these babies in half)
  • We hate the label – serving size of 1/3 naan is impractical. ½ to 1 full naan is more likely what people will eat. The new required column does show values for 1 full naan, however.
  • Not vegan or allergy-friendly for those who may be concerned– contains eggs, ghee, milk, soy, gluten
  • High in simple carbohydrates (62g, 23%DV, or about 4 carb servings for those who count). Simple carbs typically increase blood glucose quickly.


We now call this product the salt-bomb naan!

With a huge amount of sodium, high saturated fat, and calories, we cannot recommend this product. It’s too bad; they taste good but are not worth the damage.

Make your own healthier version of Naan – make a yeast-dough with an egg and 3 Tbsp of milk.

Let rise, then pat down into shape, brush a little oil on and throw them on the grill for 2-3 min per side.

It might take a little more time, but you can freeze a batch for later to save time on your next meal.

V8 Berry Bliss lower sugar


  • Delicious and refreshing!
  • No added sugar
  • Juice blend from sweet potatoes, carrots, berries, apples, and grapes
  • High in Vitamin A and C
  • Plant-based ingredients may provide antioxidants and beneficial phytonutrients
  • No artificial preservatives
  • Label indicates 1 cup provides 1 serving of veggies and ½ serving of fruit
  • Non-GMO ingredients


  • Not 100% juice (it’s 75% juice diluted from a veggie-juice concentrate), but does not have added sugar
  • “Natural flavor” is added to this product, which may be undesirable to some consumers
  • (No fiber. However, most juices lack fiber, so make sure also to eat whole fruits and veggies)


While we recommended eating whole fruits and veggies or drinking 100% juice, this juice blend gives you vitamins without added sugar. Thus, it would be considered a healthier choice than sugar-sweetened beverages.

We loved the flavor and the high vitamin A and C content. It is refreshing and not overly sweet.

V8 Berry Bliss is a way to get some fruits and veggies into your diet. We recommend trying it!

See our favorite healthy picks here.

Content presented here, although created by US Registered Dietitians and PhD-level Nutritional Biologists, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice. Consult your health care provider before using any supplements or making dietary changes.