Nutrition 101

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We summarize nutrition research to give you the latest on vitamins, minerals, carbs, fat, protein, and water, including how much is needed and what foods are rich in these nutrients.


Vitamins are vital to your health. We must eat them since the body does not make them.

Fat-soluble vitamins are able to dissolve in fats/oils. They include A, D, E, K. Water-soluble vitamins can dissolve in water, and they include the B vitamins and C. Choline is vitamin-like since we can make some but not enough.

Why do you need vitamins? How much? What foods to eat to be healthy?

Find the answers here.


Minerals vital for health are inorganic (no carbon atoms) substances and include sodium, potassium, iron, and magnesium.

Some minerals are very difficult to absorb (such as iron from plants) often due to their atomic charge, or they may be trapped in the plant matrix or in foods that contain natural compounds that can trap these minerals (e.g., phytates, tannins).

Why do you need minerals? How much? What foods to eat to be healthy? Find out here.

Carbs, Fat, Protein, and Water

Energy from foods comes from carbs, fats, and proteins, and alcohol. Water is probably the most essential life-giving drink you will have today.

Should your plate have carbs, fats, and proteins?

How much water do you need each day?

Find the answers here.


What is a calorie? How do you estimate calories in food?

What is a portion, and how is it different than the standard serving size?

Find out here.