Healthy and delicious Mexican food

Make Mexican dishes full of flavor and nutrients. These easy tips can lower calories, salt, and fat and add vitamins, minerals, and fiber.


Most store-bought flour tortillas are high in fat, salt, and calories:

  • Swap a flour tortilla for a healthier whole-grain wrap and save on calories, saturated fat, and increased fiber.
  • Substitute 3 corn tortillas for a large flour tortilla and save 60 calories, 1.5 g of saturated fat, and 560 mg of sodium (25% of the daily amount!).
  • Make your own flour tortillas using olive oil and reduce sodium, saturated fat, and cost while increasing good monounsaturated fats.
healthy Mexican food


Who doesn’t love beans? So full of flavor, they complement nearly any meal. However, many canned and restaurant beans are loaded with fat and salt.

  • Look for low-fat and vegetarian varieties of canned refried beans. These usually have less harmful saturated fat from ingredients such as lard.
  • Swap refried beans for whole black or pinto beans and reduce saturated fat and salt. Rinse canned varieties of whole beans before serving to decrease salt even more!
refried vs black beans


Many dishes contain lots of beef, pork, and chicken. Although they might be tasty, these ingredients often are served in large quantities making meals heavy in calories and saturated fat. You can still enjoy these foods by:

  • Choose grilled, broiled, and baked rather than fried meats
  • Substitute some meat for ingredients like beans or lentils, peppers, or squash. For example, swapping 1/3 of the meat for beans can reduce calories by 80 and fat by 30%while adding iron and fiber to your meal.
  • Fish, shrimp, and other seafood dishes often have less sat fat than land animals, and they may provide health benefits such as omega-3 fats found in many fish.
  • Try plant-based alternatives. Jack fruit, mushrooms, and products made from Gardein and Don Lee Farms provide an abundance of flavor while


Cheese is such a tricky ingredient to substitute. Although it is flavorful and provides texture to many dishes, it is very high in saturated fat and salt.

To make meals healthier:

  • Sprinkle just a little cheese on the top of the food
  • Limit the amount of cheese inside of dishes; this is because your taste buds can only sense the surface of foods
  • Use cheese only as a garnish, not a major ingredient; rely on spices and tomato-based sauces for flavor instead
  • Check nutrition facts labels for lower fat and salt varieties.

Healthier Mexican Restaurant Meals

Restaurants are notorious for HUGE portions and high-salt, fat, and calorie meals. Enjoy your food while being nice to your body. Examples:

  • Ask for less cheese and sour cream, or ask for it on the side (and use sparingly)
  • Take half your meal to go and give your body time to burn off your meal
  • Limit how many high-calorie, low-nutrient ingredients you eat, such as chips and cheese enchiladas
  • Look for dishes with lots of veggies, such as fajitas; these often are the healthiest choice on the menu
  • Split a meal with someone to lower your bill and total calorie intake while still enjoying your food

Mexican food is renowned for its flavorful dishes. However, many healthy traditional dishes have been altered (especially in the US) with lots of cheese, fried ingredients, and heavy meats. Simple substitutions of a few key ingredients can make a huge difference in making Mexican food healthier. Enjoy your food AND be nice to your body!